It seems that nobody has wanted to solve the Atlantis mystery…until now. Plato is quite explicit in terms of its chronology, exact location, dimensions, and place in history. Read on:
What’s in a name?
Plato in his Cratylus highlights the following:
“Do you think it is an ordinary matter to learn how much more correct it is to call the same bird Chalcis rather than Cymindis? Or what about the hill that is called both Batieia and Myrina , and many other examples from this poet and various others? But perhaps these matters are too exalted for you and I to understand, whereas Scamandrius and Astyanax are more amenable to human investigation as, in my opinion, it is easier to investigate what he maintains are the names of Hector’s son and what precisely he means by the correctness of these. I am sure that you know the lines that include these references.” (Cratylus 392)
And this is the myopia of the modern world, just because they cannot find another text which specifically uses the word Atlantis to describe the location they go on to assume that there were/are no texts existing concerning the place and therefore it is a fabrication of Plato’s…
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